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Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty Tips. Show all posts

How To Naturally Brighten Your Teeth

Your smile is the first thing that attracts people towards you. However, what if the smile gives a peep of your yellow teeth? It is surely going to make people hesitate for an instant, if not stop them altogether. If your are also suffering from the problem of stained and yellow teeth, then the numerous TV advertisements of teeth whitening products will surely be tempting you to try them out. Now, just wait a minute! Before you even think of ordering them, be aware of the fact that there are a number of natural remedies for brightening your teeth, which, if not better, are at least as effective as the market ones, without the possible side effects. Want to know more? Go through the following line and get tips on how to naturally brighten your teeth.

How To Naturally Brighten Your Teeth

Ways To Get Bright Teeth Naturally

Strawberries have been known to contain an enzyme that can help whiten the teeth. In order to use them for the purpose, all you have to do is mash a strawberry and making use of your fingers, rub the pulp onto your teeth (for a few minutes). Now, rinse your teeth well and floss, to make sure that strawberry seeds do not remain sticking inside.

Baking Soda
Since ages, people have been making use of baking soda, for adding that white glow to their teeth. What you have to do is take a teaspoon of baking soda in your palm and dip your toothbrush in it. Now, brush your teeth with it. If you want to remove stubborn stains from the teeth, add a little salt to the baking soda and use it to brush your teeth after ever meal.

Lemon Juice
It is well-known fact that lemon Juice contains a natural bleaching agent. This particular property of the juice can prove to be really effective in making your teeth white. Squeeze the juice of a lemon and add a teaspoon of salt to it, forming a paste. Brush your teeth with this paste and then rinse you mouth with cold water. You can use baking soda, instead of salt, to make it more effective.

Apple Cider Vinegar
If you are ready to bear some foul taste in your mouth, apple cider vinegar can surely help you treat the yellowing teeth. Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to a teaspoon of baking soda, enough to form a thick paste. Now, use this paste to brush your teeth on a daily basis. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, after brushing teeth with vinegar and baking soda.

Orange Peels & Bay Leaves
Though most of the people are unaware of the fact, orange peels and bay leaves can prove to be very effective, as a remedy for brightening teeth. Grind some bay leaves with orange peel and form a mixture. Dip your toothbrush in the mixture and brush your teeth with it. Rinse with water afterwards. You can also try rubbing the inner side of an orange peel over your teeth.

Some Tips 
Try to keep the intake of tea, coffee, soft drinks and cigarettes as low as you can. In fact, if possible, avoid them altogether.
Chew as much of crunchy foods, like apples, celery, carrots and broccoli, as possible. They are naturally abrasive and can help whiten teeth.

Healthy BMI For Women

In a world that revolves around beauty, to make it to the top of the lot, it is almost always essential to look better than the next one in the crowd. This fact of life has strangely caused a lot of women to push boundaries to only look a wee bit better. However, it might surprise you that while looking good and being healthy is synonymous, it may not be the case as per current societal notions! What do you think of those reed-like models you see strutting their stuff on the ramp? Are they really healthy? 

Healthy BMI For Women

Going by most medical standards, they surely aren’t! Go ahead and read on for a closer look at what should be the healthy ‘Body Mass Index’ or BMI amongst women. Based on what you are about to read, discovering if your BMI is a healthy one or not really shouldn’t be too much of a problem.

What Is The Healthy BMI For Women

Before even beginning to throw light on what should be the healthy BMI for women, let's try to understand what is BMI. BMI or ‘body mass index’ is an index that is employed to help a person understand if he or she is overweight after taking into consideration that particular person’s height and weight.

Since the body mass index is a scientific index, it is a must to mention here that same is arrived at after the use of a few formulas. The formula as per SI units is, BMI (in kg/m2) = mass (in kgs)/(height in meters)2. Once you know how to calculate your body mass index, arriving at your respective BMI should be a breeze. However, if you believe that the formula is a tad too complicated for you, you can always use the internet. There are tons of sites on the internet that will help you arrive at your respective BMI.

Now that you know how to arrive at your BMI, it is time to move on to what should be the ideal body mass index for women. Ideally, a woman who possesses a BMI that ranges from 18.5 to 25 kg/ m2 can be considered to be a woman with a healthy BMI

On the other hand, a woman whose body mass index crosses 25 kg/ m2 is considered as overweight. To get the BMI back to a normalcy, it is advisable to drink a lot of water, eat right and get as much exercise as possible.

Women who suffer from a body mass index that has crossed 30 kg/m2 are nothing but obese. However, women who suffer from a body mass index that has crossed 40kg/m2 can be considered women who are coping with morbid obesity. Sadly, there really is nothing pleasant about this whole situation.

As for the women who have a BMI that goes below 18.5kg/m2, they are nothing but underweight. To get the better of this predicament or to get back to a healthy weight bracket, it would be advisable to eat right, and drink sufficient water .

Now that you are done processing the facts on what should be the healthy BMI for women, it’s time for you to get your weight back into control.

Meaning of Moles on the Face

The presence of moles on the face, if you look up the Chinese translation for face reading, would indicate variable meanings. It will throw some light on the personality of the person. However, none is sure of how accurate the interpretations are. Here, let us take a look at the moles from a different perspective instead of following the Chinese interpretation.

A mole is usually seen as a colored spot on the face which for some add to their beauty and for some is a cause of great anxiety. Only a physician can determine through medical examinations if the mole should not be a cause of worry. 

Meaning of Moles on the Face

Through this article, we will discuss about the moles on the face.

Moles are a pigmented spot that occurs on the outer layer of the skin. They occur in various shapes, colors and sizes. It can be round, oval, flat or raised and they sometimes appear in clusters and sometimes singly. The color of the moles ranges from pinkish flesh tones to yellow, dark blue or black. But most commonly moles are brown colored. Moles on the cheek were usually considered as a beauty mark however, not all moles connote beauty marks, some of them may be rather dangerous and risk cancer. There is no specific area on the body for the moles to develop; it can develop in any part of the body.

There are some spots on the face which may be cancerous and the most deadly is the melanoma. And in order to determine whether a mole is at risk for developing melanoma there are some basic guidelines. It is important to know the warning signs of melanoma for early diagnosis. 

Following are the ABCDE of melanoma which you should be aware of:

1) A stands for Asymmetry: These moles do not look the same. One half of the mole is different from the other half of the same mole.

2) B stands for Border: The mole would be a cause of worry if the border is irregular, scalloped or poorly defined.

3) C stands for color: Always check the color of the mole. If the mole has varied colors, for instance, if the mole has shades of black, brown, red, blue etc. then it may be worrisome.

4) D stands for diameter: Those moles which are bigger and have a large diameter are dangerous. For instance, those moles whose diameter is more than 6 mm, then it is a cause of worry.

5) E stands for elevation or evolution: The mole that changes its color, size and shapes should be properly evaluated. Also, those moles which have different elevations above the skin should also be properly scrutinized.

Moles have their own growing pattern and the life cycle of a mole is about 50 years. Some moles continue to grow with age and tend to become darker while some moles remain the same. In some cases, moles fade away and disappear. 

There are some moles which are present since and are referred to as congenital nevi. These moles grow with the person but they are not dangerous.

And if you want to get rid of these moles, then there are various methods for mole removal like surgical methods, but not everyone is interested in surgeries as they cost you a lot and are not free from side effects. So, its better to go for home remedies for mole removal as they are quite cheap and moreover, they do not have such dangerous side effects. But, either you go for surgery or home remedies, a doctor's advice is a must.

After all, its a matter of your self-confidence for whole life.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Only those suffering from acne or who knows someone suffering from it will realize how grave the condition can get at times. It could lead to the formation of acne scars which will last all through their life reminding them of the much dreaded acne that they once suffered from. How to get rid of acne scars is one of the primary concerns that bothers the most. Women, in particular, are at a higher risk of being affected by acne. And those who are in the habit of popping and squeezing them are at a greater risk of getting acne scars. 

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

There are a number of ways through which you can get rid of acne scars. 

However, the thumb rule is not to fiddle with the acne by popping or touching it. It is best left alone to avoid the development of scar. However, before we proceed any further with the ways to get rid of acne scar, it is important to be well aware of the types. Depending on its types, the treatment you will initiate will differ. Ice pick scars, boxcar scars, roller scars, hypertropic scars etc. are the types of scars. Also take note that this scar in some people may occur alone whereas in some it could occur as a mixture of two or more types.

There are a number of home remedies as well as surgical treatments available for the treatment. As far as the surgical or chemical acne scar treatment is concerned, there are particularly no differences in the treatment of any types with that of the acne scar. Basically, there are four main techniques which are used to get rid of this problem and this requires physician supervision. 

1) Laser Resurfacing: This is one of the most effective treatments of getting rid of acne scar. It is to be done by a dermatologist and this type of treatment is performed on those who suffer from severe acne scar. This method takes about 2 weeks to properly heal the scar.

2) Dermabrasion: This method is quite similar to that of the laser surfacing and is also quite effective in getting rid of the scars. This technique removes scar by scrapping off the top layer of the skin. It takes about 3 weeks to heal and generally provides short term relief only. 

3) Microdermabrasion: This technique works typically like a normal dermabrasion. The only difference is that in this technique less skin is removed at a go and it takes a long time to completely heal the scar. 

4) Chemical peel: If you are looking for a milder treatment then this is it. You exfoliate at home isn’t it? Well this method works much like an exfoliator. The only difference is that chemical peel has to be performed under your doctor’s supervision and instead of the normal over the counter exfoliators, a chemical peel is a lot more complex and harsher.

There are also other types such as the Subcision treatment, Punch Replacement treatment, Punch Excision treatment, Punch Elevation treatment, etc. However, the best thing to do is to try and prevent severe acne. Washing face with anti bacterial soap twice a day, avoiding oily foods, controlling the temptation to pop zits and pimples etc. are some of the things you can do.

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