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How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Only those suffering from acne or who knows someone suffering from it will realize how grave the condition can get at times. It could lead to the formation of acne scars which will last all through their life reminding them of the much dreaded acne that they once suffered from. How to get rid of acne scars is one of the primary concerns that bothers the most. Women, in particular, are at a higher risk of being affected by acne. And those who are in the habit of popping and squeezing them are at a greater risk of getting acne scars. 

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

There are a number of ways through which you can get rid of acne scars. 

However, the thumb rule is not to fiddle with the acne by popping or touching it. It is best left alone to avoid the development of scar. However, before we proceed any further with the ways to get rid of acne scar, it is important to be well aware of the types. Depending on its types, the treatment you will initiate will differ. Ice pick scars, boxcar scars, roller scars, hypertropic scars etc. are the types of scars. Also take note that this scar in some people may occur alone whereas in some it could occur as a mixture of two or more types.

There are a number of home remedies as well as surgical treatments available for the treatment. As far as the surgical or chemical acne scar treatment is concerned, there are particularly no differences in the treatment of any types with that of the acne scar. Basically, there are four main techniques which are used to get rid of this problem and this requires physician supervision. 

1) Laser Resurfacing: This is one of the most effective treatments of getting rid of acne scar. It is to be done by a dermatologist and this type of treatment is performed on those who suffer from severe acne scar. This method takes about 2 weeks to properly heal the scar.

2) Dermabrasion: This method is quite similar to that of the laser surfacing and is also quite effective in getting rid of the scars. This technique removes scar by scrapping off the top layer of the skin. It takes about 3 weeks to heal and generally provides short term relief only. 

3) Microdermabrasion: This technique works typically like a normal dermabrasion. The only difference is that in this technique less skin is removed at a go and it takes a long time to completely heal the scar. 

4) Chemical peel: If you are looking for a milder treatment then this is it. You exfoliate at home isn’t it? Well this method works much like an exfoliator. The only difference is that chemical peel has to be performed under your doctor’s supervision and instead of the normal over the counter exfoliators, a chemical peel is a lot more complex and harsher.

There are also other types such as the Subcision treatment, Punch Replacement treatment, Punch Excision treatment, Punch Elevation treatment, etc. However, the best thing to do is to try and prevent severe acne. Washing face with anti bacterial soap twice a day, avoiding oily foods, controlling the temptation to pop zits and pimples etc. are some of the things you can do.
