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How To Naturally Brighten Your Teeth

Your smile is the first thing that attracts people towards you. However, what if the smile gives a peep of your yellow teeth? It is surely going to make people hesitate for an instant, if not stop them altogether. If your are also suffering from the problem of stained and yellow teeth, then the numerous TV advertisements of teeth whitening products will surely be tempting you to try them out. Now, just wait a minute! Before you even think of ordering them, be aware of the fact that there are a number of natural remedies for brightening your teeth, which, if not better, are at least as effective as the market ones, without the possible side effects. Want to know more? Go through the following line and get tips on how to naturally brighten your teeth.

How To Naturally Brighten Your Teeth

Ways To Get Bright Teeth Naturally

Strawberries have been known to contain an enzyme that can help whiten the teeth. In order to use them for the purpose, all you have to do is mash a strawberry and making use of your fingers, rub the pulp onto your teeth (for a few minutes). Now, rinse your teeth well and floss, to make sure that strawberry seeds do not remain sticking inside.

Baking Soda
Since ages, people have been making use of baking soda, for adding that white glow to their teeth. What you have to do is take a teaspoon of baking soda in your palm and dip your toothbrush in it. Now, brush your teeth with it. If you want to remove stubborn stains from the teeth, add a little salt to the baking soda and use it to brush your teeth after ever meal.

Lemon Juice
It is well-known fact that lemon Juice contains a natural bleaching agent. This particular property of the juice can prove to be really effective in making your teeth white. Squeeze the juice of a lemon and add a teaspoon of salt to it, forming a paste. Brush your teeth with this paste and then rinse you mouth with cold water. You can use baking soda, instead of salt, to make it more effective.

Apple Cider Vinegar
If you are ready to bear some foul taste in your mouth, apple cider vinegar can surely help you treat the yellowing teeth. Add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to a teaspoon of baking soda, enough to form a thick paste. Now, use this paste to brush your teeth on a daily basis. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water, after brushing teeth with vinegar and baking soda.

Orange Peels & Bay Leaves
Though most of the people are unaware of the fact, orange peels and bay leaves can prove to be very effective, as a remedy for brightening teeth. Grind some bay leaves with orange peel and form a mixture. Dip your toothbrush in the mixture and brush your teeth with it. Rinse with water afterwards. You can also try rubbing the inner side of an orange peel over your teeth.

Some Tips 
Try to keep the intake of tea, coffee, soft drinks and cigarettes as low as you can. In fact, if possible, avoid them altogether.
Chew as much of crunchy foods, like apples, celery, carrots and broccoli, as possible. They are naturally abrasive and can help whiten teeth.
