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How To Do A Handstand

A fit body, regular practice, strong arms and good concentration levels is what is required in order to do a perfect handstand. The handstand is a position in which a person’s hand bears the entire body’s weight without any support. It is an art practiced by people who do gymnastics, practice yoga or any form of martial arts. It is a difficult position and requires a lot of practice under guidance before attempting it alone. 

How To Do A Handstand

A straight body posture with arms fully extended, elbows locked and legs straight with toes facing the ceiling is the ideal body structure for a person attempting a handstand. However, this perfect stick like postures can be mastered only after days of practice and exercise. There are many forms of handstands which one can perform after getting the balance and structure right. Straight-back and curved-back are the two modern styles of handstand. Go through the lines that follow to get useful tips on how to do a handstand safely.

Doing A Handstand

The best way to start practicing a handstand is to practice with a wall, preferably a padded one. You can find a padded wall in your gym. Make sure that you have enough open place around, and a padded surface underneath you to prevent any accidents.

Stand at a distance of 4-5 ft from the wall facing it with your arms straight on top of your head. Bend forward placing both your hands on the floor in front of you, shoulder width apart and a foot away from the wall. Make sure that your fingers are spread out slightly and facing forward to give you a good grip.
Use the momentum from your lunge and kick a leg towards the wall following it with the other leg. Make sure that your arms are straight. The leg you start with does not matter.

If you are unable to reach all the way to the wall and balance your body on your hands, ask one of your friends to spot you and pull your legs up from where your body gives up.

Once you are into a handstand position, it’s time for you to check your positioning. Make sure that your body is straight with your arms straight in line with your shoulders. Keep your legs up-straight with the toes facing the ceiling. Tighten your stomach and back to prevent your back bending forward. Put some pressure downward on your palms so that your shoulder and arms are fully extended with your elbows tight.

Once you get your positioning right, keep practicing it holding yourself in position for few seconds longer each time. This will increase your arm strength and will provide the support your muscles need to hold you up without the wall. Regular practice with a wall will also improve your balance and posture.

After practicing for a few days, attempt the handstand without the wall support. It is advisable to have a spotter who can help you balance. It might so happen that you kick hard and lose your balance, therefore a spotter should know when and where to stop your legs.

If you don’t manage to get a spotter who can help you balance and prevent you from falling, here are few things which you can do to prevent a fall. One way you can prevent any injury if you lose balance is to do a roll out. To do the roll out, bend your arms and tuck your head under while doing a forward roll out of your handstand. Pirouette is another way in which you can prevent any injury. If you lose balance, twist your shoulder and walk one hand around forcing your body to a quarter turn and stepping down safely.

Once you get the handstand, it is time for you to get your body posture checked by a second person. Ask a person to stand beside you when you do the handstand. Ask the person to see and describe your body position and to judge whether or not your body is straight like how it should be while doing a handstand.
