Chronic Sore Throat
Sore throat, often called Pharyngitis, is an ailment caused by the inflammation of the mucous membrane in the Pharynx. This ailment is most often associated with cold and influenza. It may be caused by bacterial or viral infection or even by environmental conditions. Sore throat mostly occurs during the winter season when the respiratory infections are very common. It is very common among children; however, it is prevalent among adolescent and adults as well, though very rare.
Sore throats can be classified into two categories:
- Acute
- Chronic.
Acute sore throat is very common and usually lasts for 3-4 days only whereas chronic sore throat may persist for 3-4 weeks. Such a condition could be the result of the sinus infections or mononucleosis and is often called Mood virus.
This chronic problem may be further classified into following categories:
- Viral Sore Throat
- Bacterial Sore Throat
1. Viral Sore throat: 90-95% of all sore throats are caused by Viruses like Cold and Flu virus, Adenoviruses etc.
2. Bacterial Sore Throat: It is also called as strep throat or GABHS Pharyngitis.
However the exact cause of this virus has not been detected, that is why for the time being it has been named as Chronic Sore Throat Virus. This virus is very persistent and is a communicable disease.
Thus Sore throats should not be ignored for it may develop into serious illness if not diagnosed and treated properly.