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At Home Treatment Options for Atrial Fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation, a type of heart disease, is characterized by rapid and irregular heart beats. This irregular rhythm of the heartbeats is caused due to abnormal electrical impulse inside the heart. When a person suffers from this disorder, numerous impulses travel through his / her atria simultaneously.

Due to this, the heart starts beating irregularly resulting in irregular pulse as well as a quivering sensation or feeling inside the chest. One may experience certain complications as well. If the condition is not treated timely, it can lead to life threatening problems.

Home Treatment Options For Atrial Fibrillation

The course of treatment for Atrial Fibrillation largely depends on the severity of the condition as well as the duration of subsistence of the disorder. Some of the most effective home remedies for treating Atrial Fibrillation include:

Onion Juice

Taking onion juice has proved to be extremely beneficial for a person suffering from Atrial Fibrillation. Simply take 2 tablespoons onion juice along with honey on a daily basis, for a minimum of 2 weeks and you will surely be able to tackle the condition in an effective manner.


Taking just 2 cloves of garlic orally each morning along with water is quite effective to bring down the heart rate.

Remedies For Flatulence


Patients of Atrial Fibrillation should eat papaya for a minimum of 1 month consistency on empty stomach to see a noticeable difference in their condition.

Remedies For Split Ends

Holy Basil

If you are suffering from the problem of irregular and rapid heartbeats, eat 12 leaves of holy basil plant twice each day.


Taking 600-800 mg magnesium every day to increase its level in the body would in turn help to counter the problem of Atrial Fibrillation. When magnesium supplements intake is started for the first time, a large number of people experience the problem of loose bowel movements.

If you face such a problem when taking magnesium, you can switch to other types of magnesium supplements such as magnesium oil that can be directly applied on the area where the heart is present

This oil is completely odorless and does not have any side effects; however, it may work at a much slower pace than oral therapy. Start with low doses of magnesium and slowly increase its doses over few weeks.

Epsom Salt

Taking Epsom salt baths works as a great remedy to treat the problem of Atrial Fibrillation. All you need to do is simply soak yourself for a minimum of 20 minutes in water containing about 2 cups of Epsom salt. Using Epsom salts also pose the risk of loose stools but this risk is much lower than taking oral magnesium.

Hawthorn and Cactus

Various herbs such as hawthorn and cactus helps in addressing the irregularity of the heartbeat, chest pain as well as weakening beats. Due to this, they are considered to be extremely effective for patients of atrial fibrillation.

Mugwort and Oats

Oats helps in increasing the strength of a person whereas Mugwort helps to balance the electrical patterns running through the body.


Thus, they are both considered to be quite helpful for treating atrial fibrillation.
