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Bone Cancer Symptoms

The cancer that plagues the bones of an individual is known as bone cancer. There are two main kinds of bone cancers primary bone cancer or sarcomas and the lesser known secondary bone or metastatic cancer. Primary bone cancer or sarcomas is the cancer that starts off in the bones. Secondary bone cancer or metastatic cancer is the cancer that first occurs in any organ in the body and then spreads into the tissues of the bone. Bone cancer mostly occurs in the bones of the legs and arms of a person, but cannot be restricted to only these parts of the body. Basically, bone cancer can affect any part of the body and mostly afflicts children and youngsters. 

Bone Cancer Symptoms

The frequency of its occurrence is rare amongst adults, when compared to children and young people at least. The treatment of bone cancer will depend on the origin, location, size, and type of the same. It will also depend on how soon a person reports to a doctor after the occurrence of the cancer. This is exactly why it’s so important to be familiar with the symptoms of bone cancer. Read on to know more on the symptoms of bone cancer. 

Signs And Symptoms Of Bone Cancer

The most common symptom of bone cancer or tumor is pain; there really is no denying that. The intensity of pain however will vary from person to person and will also depend on the size and location of the cancer. However, pain is as good as a certainty when a person is ridden with cancer in his or her bones.

The pain in the case of a bone cancer is always on an ascent. At first, it may seem like there is no pain at all, but this may change as the person indulges in physical activities. This is when the affected person begins to feel the pain that can come with a bone tumor. The pain can also increase at night. These symptoms of pain can occur over a period of weeks, months, and even years if neglected. Sometimes patients may just write it off as a pain caused by an injury, but this may not be the case. It is always best to pay a visit to the doctor in the case of persistent pain.

Weakened bones are the direct result of a bone cancer. It’s like the cancer eats into the strength and resistance of the affected bone. Weak bones, without the question of doubt, can lead to easy fractures.

Another common symptom is the occurrence of a mass or lump on the affected bone or in the tissues that surround the bone. This mass or lump usually occurs without pain. It is most common in the case of MFH or fibrosarcoma, but then the possibility of occurring in other types of bone cancers cannot really be ruled out. 

The swelling around the affected bone, unlike pain, is as good as a definite sign or symptom of bone cancer. Most people may mistake a cancerous pain for just another pain or ache, but a lump on the bone is something that most people have always been aware of.

Other less common or rare symptoms of bone cancer are chills, night sweats, fevers and abnormal loss in weight. These symptoms are usually seen only when the cancer from the bone goes on to affect other parts of the body. This explains the rarity of these symptoms.
