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Fitness Tips For Women

Are you frustrated with the increasing size of your jeans? A woman’s jeans never lies and it reveals the harsh reality of them being unhealthy. It is essential for a woman to maintain good physical fitness in order to fight back the health conditions that they might face later on in life. With the kind of responsibilities that a woman needs to take up, it is very important for her to take care of her physical health because she cannot afford to move out of responsibilities due to an unfit body. 

Fitness Tips For Women

Physical exercise is the best way to lose body fat because exercise gears up the metabolism and encourages the body to burn down extra calories. Physical exercise also keeps the heart rate under control and makes your lungs function to their maximum capacity. Therefore, it is important to indulge in a physical workout routine for a woman to look good, stay healthy and above all feel good about herself. Here are few effective tips presented to answer questions you might have in mind.

Effective Tips For Women Fitness

Understand Your Body
Understand your body type and find out which type of exercises your body is comfortable with and which type of exercises are proving to be effective on you. If while working out you experience any difficulty, cut down on the repetitions for some time and then try once more to check whether you face the same trouble. If you want to really stay fit and toned, you need to understand the requirements of your body first.

Don’t Get Disappointed
As per the advice of professionals, one should spend 20-60 minutes in the gym for about 3-5 days in a week. However, busy schedules may not always allow you to stick to the ideal routine. You should not fret if you see yourself not following a 3 or 5 day routine, or going for a jog every morning. All that matters is your commitment towards improving your fitness. This commitment can also be fulfilled working out only twice a week for 20 minutes. The goal should be to be on track, even if you move slowly on it.

Focus On Your Successes
We often get demotivated by our failures and lose our confidence in achieving a set goal. The rescue mantra here would be to concentrate on the milestones you have achieved and not on your failures. Focus on what you have done till date to achieve your goal irrespective of how much of it you have achieved. Praise yourself for the commitment you have made and for the hardwork you are putting in.

Put Weights Before Cardio
Change your routine if you start your fitness regime with cardio exercises and then follow it up with weight lifting. This is a mistake committed by almost all women. When you start with cardio exercises you might miss on a critical component of the routine, because you end up spending more time on cardio, concentrating less on other exercises. Reverse the order and perform the weight training first, to see a more positive outcome.

Don't Overdo
A one hour workout at a time is what an average woman requires in order to stay fit. If you spend too much of your time in the gym, repeating the same routine over extended periods of time, you might get end up getting bored and tiresome. Make your workout routine interesting and more efficient by focusing on the exercises you do.

Follow The Right Technique
When you are trying out some exercise, do it in the right way. Learn the technique thoroughly before you put it into practice. Knowing the techniques right will lower the risk of any injury, and will maximize the desired result. It is better to consult your trainer and seek help, instead of getting injured by doing an exercise incorrectly.

Stay Hydrated
Your exercise routine might cause dehydration, which will prove out to be negative for your health and fitness. Therefore, it is important for you to increase your water intake, while following a tedious workout regimen. It is advisable to at least consume 8 glasses of water every day.

Keep Your Heart Rate Under Check
A woman should workout at 75-80% of their maximum heart rate. If your heart rate is low, it implies that you are not working out to your full potential. While, on the other hand if your heart rate is too high, it will pose danger to your health. Therefore, it is advisable to keep your heart rate monitored. 
