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Dangers of Smoking

Smoking is such a curse that everybody wants to stay away from it but unfortunately, most of us fall into this dreadful trap.

The instinct to smoke is really hard to ignore but as we say that nothing is impossible if we have the right intention. Smoking is responsible for various illnesses like cancer, respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases.

Here are the dangers of smoking for you in details: 

Dangers of Smoking

1. Smoking Results in Fatal Diseases

Smoking does not only harm the smokers, but also the nonsmokers, resulting in various ailments. Smoking completely damages all parts of your digestive system, contributing to such common disorders as heartburn and peptic ulcers. 

It also heightens the risk of Crohn's disease and possibly gallstones.

2. Smoking Harms Sexual Health

Smoking is the major destroyer of your sexual health. It straightaway attacks the erectile function in men. Smoking reduces volume of ejaculation leading to reduction in sperm count causing abnormal sperm shape.

3. One thousand Americans stop smoking every day - by dying

Recent research shows that around 430,000 deaths each year are directly caused by cigarette smoking. Smoking adversely affects all parts of your body, including your digestive system and impotency.

4. Things are easier said than done

Similarly, its easy to say that you will quit smoking now only but the ingredient in cigarettes named nicotine makes you so addicted to smoking that it becomes difficult for you to quit.

5. Your Inner Strength is the key to your problems

The only thing that can save you from drowning into this hell is your inner strength. Be committed, motivated and resolved to make a smoke-free life happen. Without these, you are doomed to failure and no remedy, no therapy will help.

6. Keep a Positive Attitude

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at, change.

Change the way you take smoking. Nothing is there in this world that we cannot do or change. Be positive and have faith in you and just move ahead. By repeatedly saying the things, for which you have never been able to gain strength, makes you capable of doing them. Your fear or insecurities regarding your courage to quit smoking start vanishing gradually when you keep on saying that you are going to stop smoking!

So, swear at this very moment only to change the way you take your habit of smoking. Never say that you cannot get rid of it saying you are addicted to it. 

These are nothing more than lame excuses! Always say that there is nothing that I cannot achieve or change in me. Nothing is impossible!
