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2 Effective Organic Treatments for Back Acne

Back acne is as common a problem as is facial acne. In fact majority sufferers of facial acne also suffer from back acne. The condition can be both embarrassing as well as painful. The good news is that back acne can be dealt with and eliminated entirely. All it requires is a little time, effort and perseverance.

The reasons for back acne can be many including oily skin and dandruff. If you suffer from dandruff then it is important to get treated for the scalp condition as well. There are many over-the-counter creams and acne to help treat back acne. However, these medications can put a dent in your pocket. Besides, there is no guarantee that they will stop the acne from recurring.

For these reasons, natural and organic remedies are widely recommended for acne of all types including back acne. In this article, we have compiled a list of the most effective home remedies for back acne. But remember, for a clean and clear back it is important to follow these treatments every day without fail.

Treating Back Acne With Organic Products


This one is a widely known acne treatment. Since centuries women have been using turmeric as part of their daily skin care routine. The anti-bacterial properties of turmeric are known to protect the skin from various infections. 

Purchase fresh turmeric sticks from a spice shop and grind the turmeric to a fine powder form.

Treatments For Back Acne

Take about a tablespoon of turmeric powder (quantity can vary depending on the area you have to cover), one teaspoon lemon juice and two teaspoons water. Mix the ingredients well and request someone to apply the turmeric mixture on your back.

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Spread the paste in a thin even layer. Allow the paste to dry and then dust it off. Wash your back with warm water and medicated soap to remove the yellow tinge left on your skin by turmeric. It is recommended that the treatment be done at night so that you don’t spoil your clothes. Wear an old shirt and go to sleep.

Baking Soda

Exfoliation is very important for treating acne. Exfoliation helps get rid of dead skin cells, sebum and the dirt particles that clog the pores. Clean and clear clogs don’t attract infection causing bacteria and the skin also remains free from blackheads.

Treatments For Back Acne

Prepare baking soda scrub by mixing three tablespoons baking soda with adequate amounts of water to make a paste. If you have sensitive skin, add a dollop of cold cream in the mixture. Spread the baking soda paste all over your back and leave for two minutes. Request someone to give you a gentle but firm scrubbing on the back.

Scrub for at least 5-7 minutes in order to exfoliate the back properly. Wash away the scrub with cold water. Dry your back thoroughly and then apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel to soothe the irritated skin. This treatment should be done every day for a period of three weeks to get rid of back acne completely.
