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Coping With Excessive Sleepiness Problem

Considering the hectic scenario of the present times, it is not difficult to predict out that most of the people do not get a good night sleep. So they suffer from the problem of excessive sleepiness during their working hours of the day. 

Therefore the point that how to cope with this distress is very important to give your body a healthy posture. This problem is known as hypersomnia. Such a sickness can also be caused if you are overweight. A distress like this can lead to a poor performance in your school, college, office or some other important task. It especially causes work-related accidents like failure of project due to lack of concentration. So here are some fine tips that you can follow to avoid this condition. Look here!!

Tips to avoid excessive sleepiness

Take a good night sleep- Don't lump up your work till late nights. You can finish your task on the next day. It is very important that you remove the clutter of work and tensions before you are going to your bed. Take at least 7-8 hours sleep and teenagers can even take around 9 hour-sleep.

Keep distractions at bay- Never do heavy discussions once you are in your bed. Switch-off your mobile phone and do not even use your laptop. If you watch TV while your resting time, then also a lot of distraction is created. So do not watch it when you get into your bed.

Make a consistent time- Make a consistent time for going to bed and rising in the morning. By following such consistency, you will be able to enjoy a fine resting time at night.

Take your meal at time- Take your meals at time. This is because if you go for your dinner in the late hours, then you won't feel like sleeping properly. So make sure you are done with your dinner at least two hours before you want to sleep. Do not take coffee or tea at night. It will keep you awake for a long time.

Do exercise- If you exercise daily, it keeps you fit and will make you sleep in time. A good 30-minute workout also keeps your mind fresh and active during daytime. Don't do any exercise before three hours of bed time. It will disturb your sleep.

Avoid naps during day time- If you take naps during day time, then it can effectively cause a lot of disturbance in your night sleep. So avoid taking them. 

Also do not go to your bed in night until you feel extremely sleepy.

Create a relaxation routine- Follow a relaxation routine before your bed time. 

You can do a little meditation, listen to music, drink warm milk or take bath. All these activities will soothe your senses and will help you get a sound sleep.

Do not take alcohol- Try not taking alcohol at night as it can awake you again and again from your sleep. You will feel restless the next morning.

You can also avoid the problem of excessive sleepiness by staying positive in life. This is because if you follow negative thoughts, then you often come under depression or stress. It thus creates a lot of disturbance in getting a good sleep. 

So for a healthy you, a healthy lifestyle is the key!!
