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10 Natural Cures for Ring Worm

One of the many skin conditions commonly faced by human beings, ring worm infection is actually caused by a fungus which affects the body of people. The skin surface that is infected by the fungus become raised with a ring shape and clear in the middle.

Though ringworm infection is not a threatening skin condition, it is highly infectious and can spread to other people through sharing of clothes and personal belongings. What makes it absolutely difficult and irritating is the fact that it is extremely itchy and can spread from one area to another through scratching.

Ring worm infections mostly appear on the nails, body feet and the scalp of the head. Leaving this fungus untreated would be dangerous as it would lead to spread of the disease and chronic conditions which will not respond to any treatment.

More often than not, the disease is the result of poor personal hygiene and hence causes a lot of embarrassment for the person who contracts it. Luckily, you need not visit a doctor or go in search of over-the-counter medications for treating the condition. Home remedies come to your rescue with many of them offering relief within days. Find out about the wonderful remedies that can be used for ring worm treatment.

Natural Treatments For Ring Worm Infection

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Papayas

Raw papayas have been found to be very beneficial in treating ring worm infection. This is a simple treatment wherein you have to slice a papaya and rub it on the infected skin. Papaya seeds too can be used for treating the infected area of the skin by mashing it into a paste and applying it directly on the area. 

The enzyme papain present in papayas facilitates the healing action with their anti fungal qualities.

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Mustard Seeds

Ring worm infection can be treated with mustard seeds. Grind the mustard seeds to make a smooth paste. Wash your skin in hot water before you apply the paste on the area. Allow it to remain on the skin for half an hour and then wipe it off with a soft cloth soaked in warm water. The treatment can be continued for about two weeks until the fungus clears off completely.

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has anti fungal properties that can help remove the fungal infection from your skin with continuous application. Take a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Dab in on the ring worm affected skin and allow it to dry and remain for a few hours for its action to take place. Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature and prevents the advancement of fungal growth on the body.

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Butea Seeds

Butea seeds can be used for treating ring worm infection. For this, take a handful of them and crush them to form a paste with lime juice. Apply this paste on the skin and allow it to dry.

10 Natural Cures For Ring Worm

The action of lime on the skin will give it an exfoliation, removing the top layer of infected skin. The healing action of butea seeds will prevent it from spreading and help stop the fungal action on the skin.

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Turmeric

Turmeric can be used for internal consumption and external application. The antifungal properties of turmeric will help in clearing off the fungus from the skin, slowly but surely. Take half a teaspoon of turmeric and add some honey along with it. This can be taken internally as well to clear any internal infection that could be affecting your body.

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Holy Basil

Holy basil is strongly antimicrobial and can be very useful in treating ring worm infection. Holy basil can be crushed and its juice can be applied directly on the skin. Leave it for 15 minutes. Apply holy basil three to four times a day for best results.  The fungi will slowly clear off with every application.

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Cassia Leaves

Crush cassia leaves to make a paste. Apply on the ring worm infection and allow it to stand for 15 minutes. The juice from the leaves can also be applied directly on the ring worm infection if the paste is cumbersome. Apply twice every day until the fungal infection clears completely.

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Raw Vegetable Juices

A number of parasitic infections of the intestine are treated with raw vegetable juices. Ring worm infection too can be treated with raw vegetable juices. 

Spinach and carrot are the two vegetables that can help in curing ring worm infection. Extract 300 ml of carrot juice and 200 ml of spinach juice. Mix it together and drink this juice two times a day. This will reduce the fungal action on the skin and slowly clears it off in days.

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Fruits

Fruits like pomegranate, papayas, oranges, pineapples and apples are said to be good for curing ring worm infections. These fruits have anti fungal properties that can bust the disease within days. Have only these fruits for a week to get their benefits. After a one week fruit diet, curd and milk too have to be included for cleaning the skin and reviving it from damage.

Treatment Of Ring Worm Infection With Mud Pack

Fungal infections thrive on moist surfaces. Using a mud pack will help in keeping the area dry and preventing spread of ring worm infection to other areas of the body. Apply the mud pack on the infection and allow it to dry. Keep it on for some time. Mud pack can be applied in the night before you sleep and left on until morning before wiping it off with warm water.

Apart from these natural treatments for ring worm infection, sunbathing too can help in discouraging the fungus greatly. Sun’s rays can kill fungus and bacteria by removing the moisture. Sunbathing can be done in the morning when the rays of the sun are too strong that it can damage your skin.
