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10 Effective Treatments for Bad Breath

Bad breath is a very common problem faced by many of us. The unfortunate thing is that many people who suffer from bad breath are unaware of their problem until someone has to make them forcibly notice it through their gestures or direct confrontation.

Bad breath is definitely an embarrassing condition as most people associate it with lack of personal hygiene. The truth however is that a number of external factors can cause bad breath even if you practice good teeth hygiene.

Respiratory problems can cause bad breath due to the bacteria present in the throat. Some people have reduced levels of saliva in their mouth which cause the mouth to dry and cause bad breath. Gum diseases and other habits like not consuming food at the right time etc. are factors that can cause bad breath.

Even though bad breath is not a serious health condition, the deep trauma, the social stigma and other personal relations that are strained could very well make it serious enough to be treated and gotten rid of. You need not take any over the counter medications or visit the doctor to treat bad breath. Try these home remedies that can very well take care of your problem effectively.

Treatment Of Bad Breath With Fenugreek Tea

Fenugreek seeds are a great remedy for treating bad breath. When you have bad breath, all you need to do is to start a regular treatment regime with fenugreek. Take one tablespoon of this seed and boil it with one litre of water. 

Drink this water frequently instead of plain water and see the difference in a few days. If this water is too hard to take, sweeten it with honey and drink to your heart’s content.

Treatment Of Bad Breath With Avocados

Many a time the food particles that remain inside the intestine without digestion will cause decaying and resultant bad breath. To prevent this, avocados can be used. Avocados help in removing the food particles that could get stuck on the intestinal walls due to its fatty texture and prevent food decomposition inside the intestine. Once this problem is taken care of, your bad breath will vanish to oblivion.

Using Guavas For Treatment Of Bad Breath

Food that is trapped in between the teeth and gum too can cause decaying and bad breath.  Most people fail to clean their mouth effectively and brush their teeth well before they are off to sleep. This will result in the food particles getting decayed in the mouth. Eating guava after your meals will help in cleaning the teeth off the food particles due to its crunchy texture.

Guava is also acidic which helps in destroying the bacteria inside the mouth. 

Gum problems like bleeding gums can be cured with guava fruit as well as its leaves. Leaves can be crushed and used for cleaning the teeth.

Treatment Of Bad Breath With Apples

Apple can be used as a quick fix solution for bad breath. The acidic qualities of apple can be used for cleaning the teeth after a heavy meal. Chew on the crunchy apple in your mouth and scrape off all the germs along with it.

10 Effective Treatments For Bad Breath

Apple leaves a fresh taste in your mouth, leaving your mouth free from bad breath and build up of plaque. For sufferers of bad breath, taking an apple after every meal will do a world of good.

Basil Leaves For Treating Bad Breath

Basil has many antibacterial qualities and can be used for removing the bacteria from the mouth as well as the stomach and intestinal area. Chew basil leaves after every meal for enjoying its great bacterial action. Basil leaves can also be used for making tea by crushing a few leaves and boiling it with a glass of water. Drink this water after every meal.

Henna Leaves For Treating Bad Breath

Just like basil leaves, henna leaves too have many anti fungal and antibacterial properties.  After your meals and whenever you feel bad breath cropping up, chew some henna leaves in your mouth for a few minutes. Spit the juice out and wash your mouth after that. Henna can stain your mouth and so must be spitted out due to this purpose.

Mint For Treatment Of Bad Breath

The cooling and refreshing effect of mint has made it a regular ingredient in toothpastes, mouthwashes and mouth fresheners. Instead of using these products, you can pluck some mint leaves and chew them in your mouth. Mint leaves can be used whenever you feel like and it leaves a cool and fresh scent in your mouth all the time.

Treatment Of Bad Breath With Baking Soda

Being an antibacterial and antiseptic, baking soda too is a good remedy for treating bad breath. In the morning, you can use baking soda instead of toothpaste for brushing your teeth. Sprinkle some baking soda on your brush and brush with that. After every meal, take ½ teaspoon of baking soda and mix it with a glass of water. This water can be used for swishing your mouth and also for rinsing to prevent the oxygenation of the food and resultant bad breath.

Sometimes Water Is All You Need

For bad breath due to dry mouth, keeping the mouth hydrated will prevent bad breath. Drinking plenty of water all throughout the day will prevent dryness of the mouth and bead breath. Drink at least 2-3 litres of water and also whenever you feel dryness in your mouth. Dryness in the mouth will increase the germs and cause bad breath. This is why we most often wake up with bad breath in the morning.

Treatment Of Bad Breath With Parsley

A decoction made of parsley can be used for preventing bad breath. Take a few twigs of parsley and cut it so that the juices are mixed well with the boiling water. Grind a few cloves as well and add to this water. Boil with 2 cups of water and steep the water for 10 minutes. Strain and use it for gargling and swishing after meals.
