Eczema is a real big time skin problem... the contagious rashes and inflammation raises lots of itching and discomfort. This condition is irritable as well as creates allergy to the other parts of the body as well. So, its important to know the basic and main symptoms of eczema. Moreover, detecting the symptoms helps in curing and treating the disease in an easy and fast way.
The skin of eczema that have been inflamed for a while is usually much thicker than the unaffected skin. Mainly this occurs as a protective response of the skin to the repeated trauma of scratching. Eczema often affects the skin in areas around joints such as the elbows, behind the knees and in front of the ankles (the ‘flexures’) where the skin also needs to be particularly flexible. Commonly one will see splits in the skin here (fissures), as the thickened skin is unable to bend as it would normally.
This contributes to scaling and makes it easier for skin bacteria to get into the deeper layers, between the gaps. It also makes it possible for tissue fluids to ooze between the cells , and, if sufficient, to gather into collections or blisters. Small blisters may be seen in active eczema but occasionally large ones may occur, either due to the particular nature of the eczema, or because of skin infection coming along as well when the blisters may be filled not only with clear fluid but also with pus.
Increase redness of the skin may cause many problems. In eczema, it is quite common. The very top layer of skin has low blood supply, thus, creates dryness.. resulting in redness.
The fluid that oozes out from the skin often dries up and settles as a thick layer. So, forms a thick and dry crust on the top layer of the skin.
Itching is usually the primary symptom that is present when you have eczema and gets more difficult at night. It often turns into an irritating condition.
Eczema's symptoms are basically easy to detect, but, should be treated well so that they do not give rise to any other sub chain of skin inflammatory diseases. At times, the situation becomes very uneasy to handle as you may feel discomfort in doing itching while standing in public areas.